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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Asynchronous Google Analytics for WordPress

Asynchronous Google Analytics for WordPress is the most complete Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. Of course, you could just copy the tracking code into your theme and be done with it, but then you'd miss a whole lot of features that this plugin has to offer you. All the extra data this plugin can add to your tracking is what makes Asynchronous Google Analytics for WordPress into the most powerful tracking tool you've ever seen.

So What does this Google Analytics plugin do?

Asynchronous tracking
What’s the advantage of the new tracking you ask? Why bother switching? Well, there are three reasons, as listed by the Google Analytics blog:
  • Faster load times for your web pages due to improved browser execution of the tracking code.
  • Enhanced data collection & accuracy.
  • Elimination of tracking errors from dependencies when the JavaScript hasn't fully loaded.
If you want to know more about asynchronous scripts, check out this blog post by Steve Souders, in which he explains the concept and what it means for page load times. The short version: a normal script blocks other objects on your page, like images, from being loaded until it has been fully loaded. An asynchronous script allows for those other objects to be downloaded at the same time.

The Best News For WordPress Blogger

Now! The WordPress blogger has easily to track their website using Asynchronous Google Analytics. Just download and activate the plugin and the rest will do by the plugin.

Go get the Asynchronous Google Analytics for WordPress plugin

I have to believe that I've convinced you by now, so please go get the plugin. If you have any ideas on what should be added, bug reports or other remarks, please do not hesitate to contact WordPress Expert.

1 comment:

  1. WordPress Development - WordPress is an extremely powerful website content management system (CMS) all over the world in these days. It is at the heart of every website development project.
